Finding Joy in Living with Less

organizers guide to underconsumption core, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem nc

Have you seen the underconsumption core “trend” all over your social media feed? Although underconsumption is certainly not a new idea, it is gaining traction and awareness thanks to social media. As a professional home organizer, this trend speaks to my minimalist heart (and is super soothing to watch the videos)! It falls right in line with all the things I teach my clients about ~ less stuff for a happier mind and home. Let’s explore this trend and find ways you can implement positive underconsumption changes in your home.

What Is Underconsumption Core?

Essentially the concept of underconsumption core is using what you already have until it is truly worn out, and resisting the “need” or desire to buy more stuff. Thrifting is also a key element of this movement; finding treasures to give new life to that have been discarded by someone else who no longer needed the item. There is also the aspect of reusing or repurposing items in your home that would normally be quickly and easily trashed. This not only helps you get the most bang for your buck, but also greatly impacts the reduction of waste on our environment.

One thing to also be aware of, however, is to create a boundary for how many items you are saving to also keep your clutter in check. It is very easy for one upcylced jar from spaghetti sauce to quickly become 37 upcycled jars that now all need a spot to live.

3 Ways to Reduce Your Consumption

Know What You Have

organizers guide to underconsumption core, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem nc

Getting the most use out of the items you have already purchased is one of the best ways to reduce your consumption. Keep using and wearing your clothes and shoes as long as they are in good condition. Create a capsule wardrobe with good quality, versatile pieces you can mix and match into many different outfits. Skip the fast fashion which never fits quite right in favor of a better quality item that will last a lot longer. This not only saves money, but it also allows you to keep your closets organized with less unnecessary clutter. Use this same concept with your kitchen items and kids clothes and toys.

If you have clothes, kitchen gadgets or toys that are still in good condition, but you no longer need or want, consider donating them rather than throwing them away. You could also plan a swap party with friends and mix and match clothes and other household items with each other. 

Pro-tip ~ Decluttering and organizing your closets, pantry, playrooms and other areas of your home will help you know what you have. Taking inventory of your possessions with a grateful mindset can help reduce the urge to have more.

Creative Repurposing

organizers guide to underconsumption core, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem nc

Who doesn’t love a good DIY project? Take that reusing mindset to all the areas of your home. Find fun ways to repurpose items that you would normally throw away. You can use pasta sauce jars or other glass jars as storage solutions for items in the pantry or bathroom. You can transform plastic containers into a herb garden. Tin cans are great for storing pens and other office supplies. Cut old t-shirts into cleaning rags. These are great for dusting. There are so many ways you can repurpose items to prolong their life and keep a few items out of the trash.

When it comes to larger items and electronics, consider the cost effectiveness of having the item repaired instead of replaced. It may be likely that there is a repair resource close to you that can help you mend the broken item. Not only are you saving money and reducing waste, you are also supporting your local community.

Pro-tip ~ Incorporate the whole family in your repurposing project. Encourage them to think outside of the box to find solutions for the use of an item. This can make for a fun, creative and maybe even competitive family event!

Buying with Intention

Be thoughtful and deliberate with your purchasing decisions. For consumable items like food, take stock of what you already have and create a menu to go with those ingredients. Then create a list of what needs to be purchased, along with a budget. Next comes the hard part, stick to your list and budget! Feeding ourselves and our families is a necessity, but there are ways you can reduce the amount of food you purchase and let’s face it, ultimately waste. For more on this topic check out our “Organizers Guide to Reduce Food Waste.”

When it comes to other types of purchases, it may be helpful to consider if the item is truly necessary or is it an impulse purchase. Ask yourself if this item is going to add value to your home or life. Is it going to solve a problem and be useful or end up in the trash or donation box in a month? Use this approach for items like clothes, shoes, toys and kitchen gadgets.

Pro-tip ~ Give yourself a “waiting period” before making purchases for “wants”. For example, wait 24 hours before buying the item. This time can help you really decide if you need the item or if it was in fact an unnecessary impulse buy.

The underconsumption core is a trend we can all get behind and turn into a lifestyle. Embracing what you have and being mindful and deliberate in your purchasing choices can also help you reduce clutter and maintain an organized home. The benefits, both physical and mental, to a home and life with less stuff is huge. Read more about the mental and emotional effects of the “Power of Decluttering”.

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
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