Organizing Your Move: Tips for a Smooth Transition

organizing for a move, professional decluttering, professional home organization

Who gets excited to pack up their home for a move? Yeah, we didn’t think so. We can all agree moving is not the most fun thing to do. It’s a big job that requires a lot of time and work. There are ways to reduce the stress of planning and executing your move. We are sharing our tips to help make your move as smooth as possible!

Prep for Your Move

Before you start gathering the moving boxes and packing up, it will be very helpful for you to develop a plan. This will not only help with the packing process, but will prove invaluable when you and all your things reach your new destination and the unpacking begins.

organizing for a move, professional decluttering, professional home organization
  • Create a moving folder to house all the documents related to your move in one, easy to access place. Remember, it’s about to get a little wild in your house.
  • Create a moving checklist with a timeline with all the important dates and tasks related to your move. This will help you stay on task and not forget anything important, like changing your address or activating your utilities.

5 Tips to Declutter for Your Move

As you have likely figured out decluttering is a HUGE first step in all things pro-organizing. When it comes to moving, it may be one of the most important steps. Decluttering before your move will help you start fresh in your new space with only the things you actually need and want. This can be particularly important if you are downsizing. You will want to start this piece of the process early to give yourself enough time to do it properly without feeling rushed.

  • Use a room by room approach
  • Sort items into the keep, donate/sell & trash categories
  • Consider the one year rule – if you haven’t used or worn something in a year, let it go
  • Consider the size of your new home when deciding what to keep
  • Digitize your paperwork & photos – you will have less clutter and a digital backup should anything get lost

Tips for Organized Packing & Unpacking

Finally, we are ready to start packing! Our rooms are completely decluttered and we are only packing our items we truly use and need. To help you stay organized during this process, we have outlined a step by step approach. We will use the same room by room approach that worked so well when we were decluttering.

  1. For each room, clearly label each box with it’s contents and the room it belongs in.
  2. You can use a color coded system as well. Give each room in your new home a color and use labels & tape with the corresponding color to mark each box. Direct movers to the carefully labeled boxes to ensure everything ends up in the correct room upon arrival.
  3. Pack your most infrequently used items first & keep your everyday items separate to be packed last and placed in your personal vehicle for quick retrieval on day 1.
  4. Don’t forget to plan for a smooth move for your pets too! Be sure to have their food & treats as well as a collar with your contact information. Place them out of the way of the movers so you won’t have any escape artists.
  5. Take inventory of your items and snap a photo of any valuables just in case anything gets lost or broken.
  6. Use removable labels for handling instructions for electronics & furniture if you are using a moving service.
organizing for a move, professional decluttering, professional home organization

The more decluttered and organized your are as you prep and pack up your current home, the less stressful the unpacking process will be.

Moving is a big job! If you don’t want to do it alone, we can help! Check out our Packing & Unpacking services.

How to Maintain an Organized Space

maintaining an organized space, professional home organization, professional decluttering

Have you had your home professionally organized? You may be wondering, “How do I keep this magic alive?” During your organization session, you likely had systems implemented to keep the space in good shape. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, spaces become cluttered and disorganized over time. The reality is we actually live in our homes and use all our things, right? Maintaining the organized space will require an ongoing effort and a commitment to the cause. So how do we do that?

5 Ways to Maintain Your Organized Space

maintaining an organized space, professional home organization, professional decluttering

  1. Create a Routine
    • Establish a regular, consistent time to revisit and refresh the space. Some spaces, like your kitchen & pantry, may require daily attention.
  2. Designated Homes
    • Return items in your home to their proper places after each use.
  3. Declutter Regularly
    • Set aside time as needed to consistently declutter your spaces. This can be monthly or even seasonally.
  4. One In, One Out
    • For every new item that comes in, one must go out. Putting this rule into practice will help prevent clutter so you can spend less time decluttering. This is also the difference between getting organized and staying organized
  5. Review and Adjust
    • Life is ever changing so be flexible. Allow room for adjustments of your organizing systems needed.

– Pro-Tip from Organized Jill –

I like to “put the kitchen to bed” every day. In the evening, I make sure the dishwasher is loaded, the sinks are emptied and sanitized, the countertops are wiped clean, and any trash is disposed of. Having a clean slate to start the next morning fresh has such a calming effect.

maintaining an organized space, professional home organization, professional decluttering

Existing in an organized home environment is essential for productivity, mental clarity, and overall well-being. If you establish good habits and incorporate good strategies, you can be successful at maintaining your space. Stay focused on your goals and celebrate your progress along the way.

If you need a hand maintaining your organized space, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

The Power of Decluttering

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We live in a time and in a world overrun with stuff. We all have too many things. Clutter doesn’t just fill up our homes, it fills up our minds as well. It is hard to peacefully exist in a space where there is no room to move or think. 

Sometimes the clutter in our homes gets out of hand and ahead of us before we even realize what is happening. This can lead to a feeling of overwhelm and uncertainly of how to regain control of the situation. Learning how to begin the process of decluttering and learning how to let things go can be difficult to do. There are often sentimental attachments to many of our things. While the process may be difficult, the end results payoff. 

8 Mental & Emotional Benefits of Reducing the Clutter

Reduces Stress

Reducing your clutter will alleviate the stress and overwhelm you feel, changing to a sense of order and control.

Creates Order

Eliminating the visual chaos in your home will decrease the feeling of being surrounded by disorder and create a feeling of calmness

Improves Focus

A clutter free environment leads to fewer distractions allowing you to concentrate on the task at hand.

Increases Productivity

Streamlining your environment will reduce procrastination and you will spend less wasted time searching for things.

Enhances Mood

Living in clutter free space will make you feel better overall and improve your mental well-being.

Promotes Mindfulness

Assessing and taking stock of your belongings will create a greater sense of awareness that will likely extend to other areas of your life.

Encourages Letting Go

Letting go of physical clutter can help you learn to let go of emotional baggage or clutter as well.

Improves Relationships

A warm, welcoming space will be something your are pleased to share with others making hosting guests more enjoyable.

Decluttering your home isn’t just about getting rid of your stuff. Improving your mental and emotional clarity by improving your physical space will help you feel happier and more fulfilled in life.

If you don’t know where to start, working with a professional organizer may be a good solution for you. A professional organizer can remove the overwhelm and help guide you through the process. Sometimes the best first step is asking for help.

If you need a hand with your decluttering journey, we’re here to help! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Why Hire a Professional Organizer?

Does it feel like you are in a constant state of clutter? If you find that you are overwhelmed with the amount of stuff in your home, it may be time to consider working with a Professional Home Organizer. Professional organizing is a service provided by individuals who use their talents and skills to transform clutter into organized, useful spaces for your home and your family.

Quote from Jill Moore owner of Organized Jill, a professional home organization company serving Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas.

A professional organizer can assist you with tackling the job of decluttering and organizing the spaces in their home. They are skilled at optimizing your spaces and creating more functionality in places like your closets and pantries. They can assist you with sorting through all your “stuff” like clothing, toys, collections and everything in between. The end result is a tidy, organized and functional space you may not even recognize was hiding under all that mess.

Five Benefits of Working With a Professional Organizer

  1. Professional organizers have the expertise and experience to efficiently declutter and organize your spaces. They can implement effective organizing techniques and storage solutions. Additionally, their approach is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
  2. A professional organizer brings an objective perspective to the process. They have no emotional or sentimental attachment to your things. This allows them to guide you in making decisions on what to keep and what to let go of. This can be a tough process made easier with the help of a professional.
  3. Working with a professional organizer can be a big time saver for you. While it may seem feasible to tackle organizing projects on your own, the process can be time-consuming and overwhelming. A professional organizer can streamline the process as they know how to prioritize tasks and work efficiently to help you achieve your goals.
  4. Working with a professional organizer will provide you with accountability and motivation to keep focused through the process of decluttering and organizing. They will offer guidance and encouragement to help keep you on track, and ensure that you achieve your organizing goals.  
  5. The long term benefits of working with a professional organizer can be very impactful. Your organizer will optimize your space, maximize storage and create systems that are easy to maintain in the long run. Once the work is complete and your space is decluttered and organized, you’ll likely experience increased productivity and overall well-being.

Pro-Tip from Organized Jill

When searching for a home organizer, check to see if they are professionally trained or certified. Jill Moore, owner of Organized Jill Professional Home Organization in Winston-Salem, advises that training and education is advisable for this industry.

A professional organizer will be well worth the investment, both for your home and you. You will likely find that you can breathe easier in your organized, efficient and stress free environment. You deserve to enjoy the time you spend in your home!

If you need help with your decluttering journey, we’re here to help! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Home Organizer, Winston Salem, 27106, Buena Vista, Organized Drawers, Organized Closet

Modular Closets Feature

Meet Jill Moore, founder and owner of Organized Jill. 
Jill is a certified Professional Home Organizer in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Together with her team, she creates systems in her clients’ homes based on their needs that are functional, manageable, and sustainable for their lifestyles. She transforms their homes, decluttering, categorizing, organizing, and styling her clients’ spaces to create beautiful and practical results. Organized Jill incorporates balance, function, and beauty through organization, and will even occasionally rearrange furniture to improve the flow and energy of a room.Whether it’s a closet, pantry, kitchen, bedroom, or even a whole home, Jill and her team are there to help!Jill’s philosophy is inspired by both Marie Kondo and The Home Edit. She combines the values of simplicity and tidiness with the sparkle of color and design in a unique approach. After decluttering, Jill works her magic to bring a space to life with a blending of colors, textures, and visual weight, as well as creating zones to make the perfect system for her clients’ needs. She maximizes storage spaces to be fully functional and optimal, often doubling the amount of storage available.(for example, replacing single rods with double-hanging components, or wire shelving with custom closet systems)Jill and her team’s skills give their clients the ability to showcase their full wardrobe in one neat space.
Let’s hear about it in Jill’s own words:
 “Our client purchased this home with a specific vision in mind. 
The home is a luxury log cabin, but it was a little dated in a few areas and ready to be updated. From the kitchen & master bath, to the master closet & pantry, a timely overhaul was overdue.
“We had the privilege of designing, installing, and organizing a new pantry, master closet, and linen closet.
“For the master closet (featured), two small adjacent closets were replaced by one, large master closest by removing the dividing wall.
“In the new space, I had the opportunity to maximize storage by incorporating Modular Closet components that would help the homeowner stay organized by season.
“As this is the only closet on the main floor, it has to also pull double duty as the coat closet.
“When organizing the space, we leaned into the concepts of visual weight and color to guide the homeowner on a smooth journey through their closet space.
“Accessibility was key, as well as being able to see all the contents.
With spaces specifically designated for clothes, coats, scarves, sandals, boots, and sneakers, each component is fully optimized for storage, style, and enjoyment.” 
Amazing what you can do with double-hanging! Modular Closets has made renovating our clients’ closets a smooth and easy process.

Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill to schedule your complimentary consultation.

A House is like a Garden

With the spring planting season soon upon us, you’ve no doubt spent some time outside preparing your flower beds and gardens: removing leaves, clearing out fallen branches, and pulling weeds. But just as our plants need an ordered space to thrive, so too do we as people need an organized home. After all, a house is like a garden.

Spring offers the opportunity to not only clean your cottage, but a chance to clear your clutter. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify where that clutter is. Take for instance the junk drawer.
Somewhere along the line, we collectively decided that all kitchens should have what is affectionately referred to as the “junk drawer”. But why do we insist on keeping items that we’ve deemed as “junk”? Why not use the space productively to store items that we need to have within convenient reach? Do the kids like to color in the kitchen?

You can easily turn the junk drawer into a small art supply space for crayons and markers with a few simple organizers. Now, expand that concept beyond the junk drawer. What other spaces in your home could serve a better purpose instead of being filled with items we don’t care for or need.
Throw out the rules when it comes to what should live where and instead set up your home in a way
that works for you and your family. Reduce the distance from the storage area of an item to the usage
area for the item. For example, one of my clients exits her home on a daily basis through the basement
out to the garage. Everyday, she was carrying her shoes up two flights of stairs to be stored in her
bedroom closet just to bring the same pair of shoes back down the two flights of stairs the next day to
head back out to her office. By relocating her shoe storage system to a freshly decluttered closet in the
basement, she reduced the amount of time spent each day moving the shoes up and down throughout
the house. A conveniently placed hook nearby the shoe storage created a simple “drop zone” for her
purse and jacket.
So how can you get started today? Think about the amount of time spent each day looking for an item,
how many items have to be moved out of the way to access the one item in need, and how many of
those moved items you can probably live without. Imagine how easy it would be to flow throughout your
home if it was simplified and decluttered.
One tip that I share with my clients is to start small. For instance, instead of decluttering the entire
bathroom, declutter the shower. Remove empty product bottles, dull razors, unraveling loofahs, old
toothbrushes, and forgotten bath toys. Making a big impact on a small area can often inspire you to
continue the decluttering process.
If you’re not sure where to begin, or how to go about the sorting, decluttering, and organizing process,
or need an extra pair of hands and a fresh perspective, a professional home organizer can be an
invaluable investment that will pay dividends for years to come as you enjoy a soothing, simplified space.
I hope your spring will be a wonderful time spent enjoying your home, and your garden, without the
stress of weeds and clutter.

If you need help with your decluttering journey, we’re here to help! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Professional Level Decluttering

Have you ever wondered about professional level decluttering? Do you ever wonder what if a Professional Home Organizer, like myself, showed up at your house right now there’s a handful of things they’d immediately throw out without a second thought. Interested in what those things are? Keep reading!

Home Organizer, Professional Home Organizer, Winston Salem Home Organizer, Professional Level of Decluttering, Organized, Organize, Buena Vista, Brookberry Farm, Ardmore, Reynolda, Reynolda Village, 27106, Polo, Country Club, Robinhood, Mount Tabor, New Sherwood Forest, Bent Tree Farm, Old Salem, Bermuda Run, Clemmons, Pfafftown, Salem View, Jasper Ridge, Greenbrier Farm, 27104

Top 5 Items to Declutter

Item #1: Flimsy Kitchen Utensils

You know what I’m talking about. That spatula you bought from IKEA when you moved into your first apartment. Promotional mugs. The cheap wine openers you’ve collected from holiday parties. The knife you got at Target that bends every time you try to slice an apple. If the utensil doesn’t serve its purpose…then it no longer serves you. Time to go!

Item #2: Clothes That Don’t Fit

Like everyone on the planet, I have been many different sizes in my life. If my team and I have organized your closet, then you know that we call these clothes “bullies”. We always ask our clients, “why would you want bullies in your closet? I want my wardrobe to make me feel good about the way I look today.” Even if I get to some magic number someday, it’s going to look different. Because time & gravity. 

Item #3: Broken Items

Have you ever had the intention to fix a broken toy, mend a garment, fix an appliance and then life gets in the way? Before you know it, 6 months have gone by. The item is either long forgotten about, or has been replaced by now effectively making it “clutter”. Let it go and move forward. 

Item #4: Long Ago Expired Items

The expiration umbrella has a lot of items under it. I’m talking food in the fridge, spices in the cabinet, medications in the bathroom, even makeup on your vanity. If it’s expired, or you didn’t even like the product, toss it. If not for the sake of decluttering, then for the sake of bacteria.

Item #5: Paperwork & Cards

We live in a magical time where we can stop paperwork from flooding our kitchen counters. Sign up for electronic billing, statements, news. Any time you have the paperless option, take it! 

Go through your file cabinet and toss (or shred) expired policies, long ago paid bills, and even greeting cards that are just signed “from Bob”. Listen… if Bob couldn’t be bothered to write a meaningful message about how special you are to him, it’s ok to let that greeting card go. Keep the ones with meaningful messages in a memory box. If there are cards from people who are no longer in your life, it’s ok to let the card go to the wayside. 

professional  home organizing, professional home decluttering, how to declutter, how to organize home

It can be daunting when you start the huge task of decluttering your home, especially a a professional level of decluttering. However, there are some things that can be tossed (or recycled) on sight. If you need additional assistance with decluttering your home, we’re here to help.
Happy decluttering!

A Good Time to Declutter

professional home organizing, professional home decluttering, how to declutter

Do you ever just feel it in your bones… it’s a good time to declutter. This past weekend was an unusual weekend… It was the first time in a very long time that I was not working on Sunday. And what will I be doing on this day off, you might wonder. Perhaps sleeping late, or going to brunch. Maybe getting a long overdue mani/pedi?

None of the above. It’s a good time to declutter my own house, of course. Believe me when I say that it’s been a while and is overdue. Even as a Professional Home Organizer, sometimes time can get away from me. We’ve recently had to have a series of unwanted home repairs and in tending to these items, we’ve been forced to pull all the stuff out that had been lurking in the forgotten corners of my attic, garage, and trickling residually throughout other areas of my home. And now that a lovely pile of “stuff” is sitting in my guest room staring at me, I have no choice but to declutter it because before I know it, summer guests will be coming my way. 

As I was looking at the pile and thinking about how these items had been shoved in the corner totally forgotten about, I can hear myself in my head saying the same thing that I tell my clients on a daily basis…If it’s been sitting in a corner totally forgotten about, you probably don’t need it. Old storage bins from my college days, a mountain of bedding from when we used to have 15 friends come and stay with us all at the same time at the beach YEARS ago, all kinds of miscellany that I can absolutely live without, various travel bags that don’t fit our travel style anymore.

But here’s where it gets tricky. Although those things may be easy for me to say goodbye to, there is one item that has somehow escaped many, many decluttering sessions over the years. And that item, is my bicycle. That I haven’t been on since about 2009. Somehow it made the cut in the move from Virginia to North Carolina, and has been hanging dutifully from a hook in the rafter since. I’m not sure why this one item has survived all the decluttering. I’m not sure how much longer the bike is going to remain there. I know I should donate it to someone who enjoys riding bikes so it can have a little more love in its lifecycle. I see some soul searching in my near future to figure out what the right course of action is for me & my bicycle. And sometimes, even a Professional Home Organizer has that one item that we might not be ready to turn the page on.  

Home Organizer, Professional Home Organizer, Winston Salem Home Organizer, Organized, Organize, Buena Vista, Brookberry Farm, Ardmore, Reynolda, Reynolda Village, 27106, Polo, Country Club, Robinhood, Mount Tabor, New Sherwood Forest, Bent Tree Farm, Old Salem, Bermuda Run, Greenbrier Farm, 27104

If you need help with your decluttering journey, we’re here to help! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Getting the Band Together

Winston Salem Professional Home Organizer, Home Organization Team, Getting the Band Together, 27106, Winston Salem Organizers

Assembling a Professional Home Organization team is a lot like getting the band together. Everyone’s instrument has to be in tune with each other for successful outcomes for our clients. We have to work together in perfect harmony to stay on task and flow through our organization sessions. I want to shine a light on the wonderful people who I get to spend my workday with. My incredible Home Organizer team who I cannot live without. One of the most frequently asked questions that I get from my clients is “How did you start working together?” I think it’s time I shared the tale. 

Starting with my original team member, Leah. When I was a brand new “baby” organizer in November 2020, I had terrible imposter syndrome, horrible fear of failure, and inability to believe in my god-given gift of organizing. So, as you do when you are new to an industry, I trolled the internet joining all the Professional Home Organizer facebook groups across the country that I could find. Shortly thereafter, I saw a post from Leah. It said “I’m an Interior Designer in Winston-Salem and I’d love to team up with a Home Organizer in Winston-Salem”. I thought to myself, “well, I’m a Home Organizer in Winston-Salem”, so I sent her a message and the rest is history. 

A few months later, when I was still working my office job and moonlighting as an organizer, we came across a client who needed our help packing her home to move. Her sweet brother Jamie was there and I really liked the way that he worked with us to help his sister sort, declutter, and pack all of her important items. I handed him my phone and told him to put in his number. About 6 weeks later, I left my office job to organize homes full time and I sent him a message. Jamie is now my Custom Closet Installation Lead and truly my knight in shining armor. He even came to my rescue when I blew out a tire on the side of the interstate. 

Shortly thereafter, along came Ashley. Ashley and I were Insta-following each other and she sent me a message. Ashley is a full time Realtor and organizing is a way for her to relax. From the get-go, Ashley proved that she has natural abilities to see a space and make it function to its best potential. She is so driven and is such a hard worker. Her level headedness and keen eye for business has given me excellent guidance as my business has continued to grow and develop. 

I am so grateful and thankful for my home organizer team and I am so blessed to have them all in my life. I hope you all will have the opportunity to meet and work with them on projects in your homes soon. I know they will leave you with a space that you will love for a lifetime. Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill to schedule your complimentary consultation.

How to Declutter your Home in 30 Days

professional home organizing, professional decluttering, how to declutter, home organization tips

I am going to share with you the one thing that I know you’ve all been waiting for,
direct from your favorite Home Organizer: How to Declutter your Home in 30 Days

Before You Start

Decluttering an entire house can easily feel overwhelming, but with a few considerations you can combat overwhelm and set yourself up for success. I happen to be a decluttering expert, so you are in the right place for tips!

Set Realistic Expectations

It’s important to have realistic expectations. Each room is a mini-project and comes with its own set of challenges, which becomes a bit easier to manage when you go systematically room-by-room. If you have kids or other people living with you, then you might feel like you can never keep up, but progress is always progress and each room you declutter will continue to become easier to reset.

Items Without Homes

There’s a simple rule in the world of decluttering, “If something doesn’t have a home, it’s clutter and needs to be removed so cleaning can happen.” This can be a hard rule to live by and the decisions this forces us into can be quite rough. One method to make this a bit easier is to use bins to help sort through your homeless items. Once you’ve gone through a room, revisit this bin and see if there are enough useful items that you could make a home for, but be careful not to simply create more clutter by keeping items you don’t really need. 

One takeaway in this section is to be ready to make hard decisions as you declutter.

Sorting Items

As mentioned above, it can be very useful to designate bins to categorize your items. Having these bins at the ready can help keep you in the flow of decluttering. Instead of taking that rogue toy to the playroom, just toss it in a designated bin and take those items to their home when you’re done decluttering the prioritized room.

Some good categories for your bins could be:

  • Keep – for items you’d like to keep, but can’t find the best home for just yet.
  • Move – for items that have a home, but need to be moved to another room.
  • Donate/Sell – for items that are still in good condition, but you haven’t used enough to justify keeping.
  • Trash or Recycle – any remaining items

Keep Momentum

Practice keeping your momentum by breaking each room into smaller segments. This can help you feel the progress you’re making and avoid discouragement when you don’t have time to complete a full room. As we all battle for time, set yourself up for easy wins by starting simple with a table top, a small cabinet, or a category (like shoes) that can be completed in a short amount of time. If you don’t have time to continue, then you still made some progress. If you have time to continue, then use the momentum you generated to keep going.

professional home organizing, professional decluttering, how to declutter, home organization tips

If you need help with your decluttering journey, we’re here to help! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill to schedule your complimentary consultation.