Gift or Burden? Organizer’s Guide to Gifting

Giving gifts is a thoughtful way to express how much you appreciate and care for someone. It’s a fun way to celebrate special occasions and big moments in life. You expect the recipient to be full of joy to receive your gift, right? There are times when what we intend to be a thoughtful gesture can actually be a burden. Have you ever received a gift that really isn’t something you want or need? Of course you are appreciative of the thoughtfulness, but it’s not really something you would have purchased for yourself. In my role as a professional organizer, I often see well-intentioned gifts turn into clutter. This creates stress and a mess for the recipient. They don’t really want it, but feel guilty about letting it go. With the holiday gift giving season approaching, let’s talk about gift options that are clutter free, but still meaningful and fun!

professional organizers guide to gift giving to avoid clutter, Organized Jill Winston Salem, NC

5 Pre-Gifting Considerations

  1. What do they like– Think about the person’s tastes, interests and needs. Giving a little thought to your purchase helps you give something they will actually like and shows you put some effort into your choice.
  2. Is it useful– Most people will really appreciate a practical gift they can use in their home. Try to think of something that will make their day to day a little easier or more enjoyable. 
  3. Is it too personal– Unless you are super close to the person, it’s best to avoid Items like clothing and personal care products. The chances of you getting their preferred scent or size right can be slim.
  4. No obligations– Make sure the person knows you are totally fine with them exchanging or even re-gifting the gift if it’s not their favorite thing. No hard feelings. Bonus points if you include the gift receipt! 
  5. What do you want– It’s ok, likely even best practice, to ask the receiver what they want. It’s a great method to make sure they will like what they get. Make sure they give you a few choices to keep the element of surprise.

4 Physical Gift Alternatives

Now let’s talk about physical gift alternatives. Yes, there are many options to show someone you care without buying them something that may end up in their donation or trash pile. Here are a few of my favorite gifts that don’t create clutter or become a burden.

Experiences over Things

So many options with this one! Think escape room, concert tickets, a cooking class, spa day, dinner out, winery tour, or a weekend getaway to name just a few. Not only do they get a gift, but they get the opportunity to make memories with someone they care about. That’s like a super gift right?

Consumable Gifts

Gifts that can be used up while the receiver gets to enjoy it, then it’s gone. Think food baskets or trays, an assortment of sweet treats, their favorite drink, or homemade goodies. This is an excellent way to show you care without adding clutter to their home. 

professional organizers guide to gift giving to avoid clutter, Organized Jill Winston Salem, NC

The Gift of Time

Planning a “gift” of spending time together can truly mean so much. You could also offer your time as a gift to help with a project, babysitting, or running errands. If your loved one is super busy, this will mean so much and show how much you care for them.

Gift Cards

Gift cards aren’t impersonal, they are freedom! They offer the recipient the opportunity to choose something they truly want or need. They can find the perfect gift that fits into their life. And they are super easy to pick out. Win, win!

professional organizers guide to gift giving to avoid clutter, Organized Jill Winston Salem, NC

With a little thought and care, you can make sure your presents are always happily received and cherished. By getting creative and putting a little thought into what your recipient really likes or needs, your gift is likely to enhance their life without adding unnecessary clutter. After all, a gift should never feel like a burden!

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing unwanted gifts (and more), we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

The Effects of Clutter on Children

We all want the best for our kids. We strive to give them the love, support and tools they need to be their best self. To this end, we may unknowingly be doing them a disservice by creating an environment with too much stuff. Clutter, which may seem like it wouldn’t really impact a child, can actually have profound negative effects on their behavior, emotions and cognitive development. Let’s explore the impact of clutter on children and ways we can help them create an organized environment.

5 Ways Clutter Impacts Children

effects of clutter on children, professional home organizer, Organized Jill, Winston Salem NC

1. Cognitive Overload

When a child is surrounded by too much visual and physical clutter, it can make it difficult for them to focus and concentrate. If they are trying to get their homework done in a room with toys and books scattered everywhere, they will likely be distracted and struggle to stay on task.

2. Increased Stress and Anxiety

The constant visual noise created by clutter can overwhelm a child, making them feel out of control. This can cause feelings of stress and anxiety, emotions they likely don’t know how to handle or deal with well. These feelings can make it difficult for them to relax or focus.

3. Decreased Creativity

A child’s mind is a wonderful playground of imagination. While getting creative can lead to a little mess, excessive clutter can actually stifle their creativity. If a child is playing in a cluttered space, they may struggle to create new, imaginative ideas.

4. Poor Social Skills

If your child feels embarrassed by the clutter and disorganization in their home, they will be less likely to want to invite friends over. They may struggle with finding excuses or ways to explain this to their close friends. This can affect their social development and may lead them to feel isolated from their peers.

5. Behavioral Issues

Living in a cluttered environment can contribute to behavioral problems. A child who is experiencing heavy emotions like irritability or frustration may not know how to handle those feelings. This lack of structure and order may cause them to misbehave and act out.

effects of clutter on children, professional home organizer, Organized Jill, Winston Salem NC

Strategies to Develop Organization Skills

1. Lead by Example

Children can learn so much from watching you. Show them how you organize your things, whether it’s decluttering a drawer, planning a grocery list or putting away laundry. Involve them in your processes and encourage them to contribute their thoughts and ideas.

2. Organize Their Space

Help children declutter their rooms. Help them understand the concept of clutter and the benefits of having less stuff in their room. Let them decide what to keep, donate and discard. Help them organize and label their bins, shelves and drawers to help them know where things belong.

3. Consistent Schedule 

Establish a daily routine that includes regular times for homework, chores, and bedtime. Be sure to add their “free” time to the schedule. This will help them understand the expectations and be better able to get all the things done in a timely manner.

4. Get Visual 

Work with your kids to create checklists and charts for daily tasks. Use pictures or stickers for younger children to make it fun and easy to follow. Have your older children add their activities and important reminders to the calendar themselves. This will help them learn how to plan ahead and be accountable.

5. Bring Your Patience

Learning the art of being organized takes time. Your child may need gentle reminders and positive reinforcements to help them develop these habits. Consistency is the key to your success!

effects of clutter on children, professional home organizer, Organized Jill, Winston Salem NC

Children thrive on routine and predictability. Working with your child to declutter and organize their spaces (and other areas in the home) will teach them so many good life skills. By teaching these skills in a supportive and engaging way, you will help them learn to embrace an organized lifestyle.

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Finding Joy in Living with Less

Have you seen the underconsumption core “trend” all over your social media feed? Although underconsumption is certainly not a new idea, it is gaining traction and awareness thanks to social media. As a professional home organizer, this trend speaks to my minimalist heart (and is super soothing to watch the videos)! It falls right in line with all the things I teach my clients about ~ less stuff for a happier mind and home. Let’s explore this trend and find ways you can implement positive underconsumption changes in your home.

What Is Underconsumption Core?

Essentially the concept of underconsumption core is using what you already have until it is truly worn out, and resisting the “need” or desire to buy more stuff. Thrifting is also a key element of this movement; finding treasures to give new life to that have been discarded by someone else who no longer needed the item. There is also the aspect of reusing or repurposing items in your home that would normally be quickly and easily trashed. This not only helps you get the most bang for your buck, but also greatly impacts the reduction of waste on our environment.

One thing to also be aware of, however, is to create a boundary for how many items you are saving to also keep your clutter in check. It is very easy for one upcylced jar from spaghetti sauce to quickly become 37 upcycled jars that now all need a spot to live.

3 Ways to Reduce Your Consumption

Know What You Have

organizers guide to underconsumption core, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem nc

Getting the most use out of the items you have already purchased is one of the best ways to reduce your consumption. Keep using and wearing your clothes and shoes as long as they are in good condition. Create a capsule wardrobe with good quality, versatile pieces you can mix and match into many different outfits. Skip the fast fashion which never fits quite right in favor of a better quality item that will last a lot longer. This not only saves money, but it also allows you to keep your closets organized with less unnecessary clutter. Use this same concept with your kitchen items and kids clothes and toys.

If you have clothes, kitchen gadgets or toys that are still in good condition, but you no longer need or want, consider donating them rather than throwing them away. You could also plan a swap party with friends and mix and match clothes and other household items with each other. 

Pro-tip ~ Decluttering and organizing your closets, pantry, playrooms and other areas of your home will help you know what you have. Taking inventory of your possessions with a grateful mindset can help reduce the urge to have more.

Creative Repurposing

organizers guide to underconsumption core, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem nc

Who doesn’t love a good DIY project? Take that reusing mindset to all the areas of your home. Find fun ways to repurpose items that you would normally throw away. You can use pasta sauce jars or other glass jars as storage solutions for items in the pantry or bathroom. You can transform plastic containers into a herb garden. Tin cans are great for storing pens and other office supplies. Cut old t-shirts into cleaning rags. These are great for dusting. There are so many ways you can repurpose items to prolong their life and keep a few items out of the trash.

When it comes to larger items and electronics, consider the cost effectiveness of having the item repaired instead of replaced. It may be likely that there is a repair resource close to you that can help you mend the broken item. Not only are you saving money and reducing waste, you are also supporting your local community.

Pro-tip ~ Incorporate the whole family in your repurposing project. Encourage them to think outside of the box to find solutions for the use of an item. This can make for a fun, creative and maybe even competitive family event!

Buying with Intention

Be thoughtful and deliberate with your purchasing decisions. For consumable items like food, take stock of what you already have and create a menu to go with those ingredients. Then create a list of what needs to be purchased, along with a budget. Next comes the hard part, stick to your list and budget! Feeding ourselves and our families is a necessity, but there are ways you can reduce the amount of food you purchase and let’s face it, ultimately waste. For more on this topic check out our “Organizers Guide to Reduce Food Waste.”

When it comes to other types of purchases, it may be helpful to consider if the item is truly necessary or is it an impulse purchase. Ask yourself if this item is going to add value to your home or life. Is it going to solve a problem and be useful or end up in the trash or donation box in a month? Use this approach for items like clothes, shoes, toys and kitchen gadgets.

Pro-tip ~ Give yourself a “waiting period” before making purchases for “wants”. For example, wait 24 hours before buying the item. This time can help you really decide if you need the item or if it was in fact an unnecessary impulse buy.

organizers guide to underconsumption core, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem nc

The underconsumption core is a trend we can all get behind and turn into a lifestyle. Embracing what you have and being mindful and deliberate in your purchasing choices can also help you reduce clutter and maintain an organized home. The benefits, both physical and mental, to a home and life with less stuff is huge. Read more about the mental and emotional effects of the “Power of Decluttering”.

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Declutter & Organize for Back to School Success

Summer break is quickly coming to a close, and it’s time to begin prepping for the new school year. This can be both an exciting and overwhelming time for you and your kids. It can be hard to say goodbye to the laid back days of summer. The time off likely led to overall disorganization in your kid’s room, play areas, and maybe even throughout the home. Clutter is a normal side effect of summer break. As you begin to prepare for a new school year, helping your kids create a clutter-free, organized environment, especially in their personal spaces can set the stage for academic success and personal growth. We are sharing our top tips to reset your nest and get the kids’ room organized for the school year ahead.

4 Steps to Declutter & Organize Kids’ Rooms

Step 1: Work With Your Child

Involving your kids in the process of decluttering and organizing their things is essential to teaching them important life skills. It helps them have a sense of control and requires them to use decision making skills when choosing what to keep, donate and trash. They will also likely gain more responsibility in caring for their belongings and space if included in the process.

You can add a little excitement to make this more fun and interesting for your child. Use a timer to see how much they can get done in a certain amount of time. Most kids’ love a good challenge and will work hard to win!

Step 2: Sort & Categorize

Decluttering the room is the best first step to organization. Have your keep, donate and trash boxes ready to be filled. When sorting their clothes and shoes, place anything that doesn’t fit or no longer suits their style in the donate or trash box. Once this process is done, you will have a better idea of what is needed when back to school shopping.

When sorting the books and toys, encourage your child to let go of anything that they don’t enjoy playing with or have outgrown. Have them help decide where to take their donations. There are many schools and organizations that can get great benefit from gently used toys and books.

declutter and organize for back to school success, professional organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

Step 3: Organized Storage Solutions

Now that you have decluttered and only have the keep items remaining, it’s time to organize. Creating and using storage systems will not only help to get organized, but will be imperative to helping your kid stay organized. Labeled baskets and bins are great for small toys and art supplies. Use shelves for books and decorative items.

In the closet, group similar clothing items together – pants, shirts, etc. Have hanging clothes within reach for your child. Use those labeled baskets and bins for accessories or folded clothing. Don’t forget to use vertical storage, and even the inside of closet doors if needed, to maximize the space. Not only will this help keep the closet looking great, but will help your kid get ready each morning with little hassle and stress.

Step 4: Maintenance Schedule

The key to really making all this hard work pay off for you and your kids is to create a routine to regularly maintain the organization. Pick a time in the evening to have a quick 10 minute cleanup. Keep the time consistent, for example after homework is finished or before dinner. Setting clear expectations can really help your child. Have them place all items in their clearly designated homes they helped create. This will keep the room clean and clutter free, while allowing for an organized fresh start to their day each morning.

declutter and organize for back to school success, professional organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

Pro-organizer Tip

Have a designated “drop zone” for all daily items needed for school like their book bag, jacket, and shoes. Make returning these items to their proper place part of the evening clean up routine. No one wants to start their day off searching for a missing shoe when it’s time to leave, right?

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Balancing Minimalism & Organization

Our daily lives are cluttered not only with possessions but with commitments and distractions. This overload can really be a burden, not only in our physical space but in our mental space as well. Over 20% of Americans currently rent self storage units, with an additional 15% planning to do so in the future. This costs an average of $100 per month per household. Why do we hold on to so many things that we aren’t even using? Through minimalism and organization,  we can work toward simplifying our lives by creating order and harmony.

Minimalist Mindset

Most people equate minimalism to living with less of all the things – possessions, commitments and distractions. While this is true to a point, it’s important not to take this concept to extremes. We can all benefit from living a simpler life, but it still has to work for you and reflect the needs of your daily life.

The best approach to a minimalist mindset is to shift your focus to what truly matters by eliminating the excess stuff. It’s about intentional living. We have to minimize in order to maximize all the areas of our lives. This allows us to make room, both physically and mentally, for what brings us joy and lights up our lives. This mindset requires asking tough questions about what you value and letting go of anything that doesn’t align with those values.

Organized Jill professional home organizer Winston Salem NC, guide to balancing minimalism and organization

Essence of Organization

Organization is the art of creating systems and structures to efficiently manage our physical possessions along with our commitments and responsibilities. While minimalism focuses on reducing the number of possessions, organization focuses on arranging our items that we have and need in a manner that works for our family and  homes. You need to enjoy existing in your home and doing the things you love. This includes having what you need for the activities or hobbies that bring you joy. The goal is to have your home be soothing but not overwhelming.

Organization is a planned arrangement of your possessions (or commitments) that work to achieve your personal goals for your space or time. Everything should have a purpose and place that minimizes the time and effort you spend to find and use what you need. Organization creates a life of intention and clarity.

Finding Your Balance

Minimalism and organization aren’t opposing concepts. In fact, they can go hand in hand. The key is to find what works for you. Start by identifying what truly matters to you. Think about your long term goals and aspirations. This will help guide your decisions about what to keep and what to let go of. Use your minimalist mindset to declutter your physical space and simplify your commitments. Then use the power of organization to ensure that what you do keep is well-maintained and easy to manage. Finding this balance is an ever changing process. Such is life, right? There will be adjustments along the way. What works for someone else may not work for you, and that’s perfectly fine. This process is personal and really just needs to fill the needs of you and your family.

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If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Organizers Guide to Reduce Food Waste

In today’s world, food waste has become a significant issue that impacts many households. With the rising cost of groceries, reducing this waste can help your family save money. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can reduce food waste in your home while still enjoying a variety of delicious meals. The goal is to enjoy what you have in stock while it is fresh before purchasing more. So how do we do that? Here’s our guide to turning potential waste into delicious meals.

Kitchen Inventory

This first step to really taking control of your food waste is to know what you currently have in your pantry, cabinets, and fridge. Taking stock of what you have already purchased will help you avoid buying duplicates and ensure you use the items before they expire.

This is also a great opportunity to declutter and organize your food storage areas. Discard any expired items and place items to the front that have the closest expiration date. Group similar items together to help you quickly see what you have to work with when beginning to plan your meals.

professional organizers guide to reduce food waste, professional home organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

Meal Planning

Now that you have a solid inventory of your kitchen, let’s reverse the meal planning process. Instead of planning meals and then shopping for ingredients, plan meals based on the ingredients you already have. You can look up recipes on Google that include the ingredients you need to use up. Get creative and consider flexible recipes like stir-fries, soups, casseroles and salads. These can easily be adjusted to work with a variety of ingredients. Set aside time each week to create a menu. It’s important to plan meals that fit your schedule. Choose quick and easy recipes for those busy evenings where time for cooking is limited.

Let’s go shopping for missing ingredients! Using the menu you created from the food you already have in stock, write down your shopping list. Taking the time to create a menu and shopping list will help you buy only what you need. This reduces the likelihood of impulse or unnecessary purchases which inevitably leads to food going bad before you can use it.

professional organizers guide to reduce food waste, professional home organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

Leveraging Leftovers

Getting creative with your leftovers can lead to exciting new dishes all while reducing food waste. If you know you will have leftover meat from a meal, incorporate recipes into your menu for the week to use that food. Turn last night’s roast chicken into a chicken salad or tacos. Soups or stews are also great ways to repurpose your leftover meats and veggies. This can also help you to plan a quick meal for one of those busy, time crunched evenings.

Another great option to utilize leftovers is preserving them in the freezer. This works well if you don’t like eating leftovers immediately. Pop them in the freezer and when you pull them out to enjoy later, it will be like you are enjoying a new meal. 

Precise Cooking

Not a fan of leftovers? Learning the art of cooking only what you need is a simple yet effective way to minimize waste. The key to this process is learning the right portion sizes for you and your family. Each member may have differing needs and preferences in the amount of food they consume at each meal. A seven year old will likely not have the same appetite as a teenager, right? This will take some trial and error that can be helped by measuring tools. If you’re working from a recipe that serves more than you need, adjust the quantities. By planning portions carefully and preparing just enough food for your meals, you can enjoy fresh dishes without the worry of excess leftovers.

professional organizers guide to reduce food waste, professional home organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

We are living in a time of plentiful grocery availability. There is less need to stock up on processed food. Reducing food waste starts with a mindful approach to what’s already in your kitchen. Embracing these habits will help you save money, enjoy new recipes and contribute to a sustainable kitchen and a healthier planet. Bonus ~ you get to enjoy having a clutter free and organized kitchen that works for you!

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Prepping for a Stress Free Vacation

It’s summer vacation season! Do you find yourself scrambling to get everything and everyone together right before it’s time to leave? Not only does this cause stress and chaos, but you might even leave priority items behind or forget to do something important that needs to be done prior to leaving. We are sharing tips to help you prep for an organized vacation like a pro. The only thing you will leave behind is the stress!

Step One ~ Planning

Step one to an organized vacation is planning. A good checklist can make all the difference in a smooth preparation process. Take time to think about what needs to be done before you depart for your downtime. Write all of these things down with a plan of execution. 

Your checklist may include:

  1. Scheduling pet care arrangements
  2. Arranging for mail and delivery holds or pickup
  3. Notifying your bank so transactions aren’t declined
  4. Researching your destination and the weather
  5. Organizing travel documents

Step Two ~ Packing

To travel, we must pack. It can be a daunting task. Again, a good checklist can ensure you include all of your needed items. Pack light, pack intentional, and pack for the weather. Use these tips to organize your bags and maximize your space.

  • Plan your outfits, no over packing
  • Use packing cubes to stay organized
  • Roll your clothes to save space
  • Decant toiletries to travel sized containers
  • Leave space for shopping and souvenirs
Prepping for a Stress Free Vacation, pro organizer tips packing for vacation, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina


If traveling by air, connect an AirTag or location device to your baggage to know its location and reduce the risk of time-consuming lost baggage!

Step Three ~ Day-Before Preparations

Set aside time the day before you are scheduled to leave to handle the last minute preparations. This will help you stay ahead of any last minute changes. There is a calm & clarity that comes from double checking. Despite our best efforts, we may have forgotten something. This is a great time to look back over those checklists.

  • Confirm all reservations
  • Pack an overnight/carry on bag with essentials
  • Clean the dishes and take out the trash 
  • Check the weather for any last minute changes
  • Rest up for your time away

Pro-tip: Keep important documents such as passports, flight tickets, and hotel reservations close by to ensure easy accessibility when traveling.

Creating a plan for your vacation prep can make all the difference in having a smooth, efficient experience. Knowing everything is taken care of at home while you are away will give you peace of mind to fully immerse yourself in the exciting and relaxing vacation experience. P.S. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

Prepping for a Stress Free Vacation, pro organizer tips packing for vacation, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Organizing Your Home for Summer Break

School’s out and summer break is here! Summertime is the best time for kids with unlimited joy, freedom, and fun. But as the adults in charge of the house, the influx of activities, outdoor time, travels, company, and downtime can create a chaotic mess for us. We are here to arm you with practical tips and solutions to help you stay ahead of the game and have an enjoyable summer along with the kids. 

Declutter & Organize Your Pantry

With everyone home for the summer, your kitchen will quickly become a most frequented area in your home. Kids are always hungry right? The first step is to declutter this hot zone. Once that is done, organize your pantry with bins and labels to help the kids know where things are and where to return them when they are done. Create a grab-and-go zone for kids to be able to help themselves to foster independence and decision making skills. Stock up on healthy snacks to promote growth & wellness.

home organizing tips for summer break, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

Declutter & Organize Kids’ Belongings

One of the best ways to stay organized is to continually declutter as kids grow up. Have your children assist with this part. Sort through their closets, toys, and books to help choose what to keep, toss, or donate. If there are toys that are broken, clothes that are outgrown, and items that have been long since forgotten about, bag up and pass along accordingly. Don’t forget to include the outdoor gear and toys in this process too. Make sure water toys are in good condition for swimming and are the correct size for safety. Once the clutter is gone, help them organize their things with designated play zones and outdoor storage for those items. Your kids will be able to help keep their things in order if they start with a good system in place.

Summer Command Center

If your children are involved in sports and activities, your summer is likely to be a busy one. Creating a central hub for all the different activities can be a game changer for you. Designate a convenient spot for a drop zone for bags by adding a few hooks in the garage or entryway. You can use a bulletin board, dry erase board, or an app to keep your family’s activities coordinated. Keep a calendar with all the important activities, any appointments, and any scheduled playdates and outings. Don’t forget to add summer camps and sport schedules. Having all of this information in one place where every member of the family has access to it will help keep everything running smoothly all summer long. 

Plan for Indoor Activities

While this is a very techy time we live in, your kids (regardless of age) may find themselves bored at some point. Especially on rainy or super hot days, they may need something to entertain themselves. Be ready for this by making a a few stations with different options. Create a crafting area with supplies to encourage their creativity. Set up a cozy reading nook with a variety of books your kids enjoy. Also, have board games and puzzles readily accessible. Preventing boredom in kids is a win for the parents too. Limit screen time and let their imagination shine.

Routine & Responsibility

A big part of maintaining your home all summer is to include your children in the routines and processes required to do that. They will be home all day, helping to create any messes, so let’s help them help us. Have a daily schedule and chore chart in the Summer Command Center. They will be able to easily see what is happening and what is expected of them each day. You can also use a reward system to get them super excited about helping out. The reward could be something simple like going for ice cream or money earned toward a want they have. 

While keeping a well maintained and organized home is the goal for the summer, staying flexible is important as well. There are bound to be lazy days and spontaneous fun to be had. Create a balance that keeps your home tidy while allowing you and your family to enjoy the carefree spirit of sweet summertime. Focus on creating wonderful moments and memories with your kids!

home organizing tips for summer break, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

Need some help with the decluttering and organization process? Check out our Home Organizing Services. We would love to to help you organize and design your home! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Pro-Organizing Guide to Patio Design

Do you have a patio or outdoor space that is in need of some organizing love? Designing your outdoor patio space will take a blend of both practicality and creativity. When considering the space for entertaining friends and family, you will need to consider both functionality and ambiance. Outdoor entertaining is a popular activity choice. Our pro-organizing tips will get you ready to entertain in style!

organize and design patio, pro organizer tips, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

Start by assessing your space. Take a good look at your outdoor space, taking into consideration the size and layout. Also account for any existing landscapes or hardscapes. Think about what activities will be mostly taking place on your patio. When crafting your design plan, create zoned areas for dining, cooking and relaxing. This will help you plan effectively for organization and design.

Tips for Organized Patio Design

  • Furniture
    • Choose furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes, such as a dining table with built-in storage or a bench that can be used for seating and storage.
    • Choose seating that can be easily rearranged to accommodate different activities or group sizes like benches and ottomans. This flexibility will come in handy for different activities and group sizes,
    • Consider the weather when selecting your outdoor furniture. Choose pieces made from durable, weather-resistant materials such as teak, aluminum, or resin wicker.
  • Lighting
    • Lighting is essential for creating an inviting ambiance and extending outdoor entertaining into the evening.
    • For overhead lighting, string lights or pendant fixtures work well.
    • You can also add lighting for activities like cooking or reading.
    • Add lighting along pathways and walk areas to help illuminate darker areas when natural lighting subsides.
  • Accessorize & Decorate
    • Choose decorative items that reflect your personal style like throw pillows, outdoor rugs, tabletop decor and lanterns patio.
    • Use citronella candles to keep the mosquitoes and bugs at bay.
    • Add outdoor plants and greenery using container planting.
    • Provide shade options using umbrellas, shades or retractable awnings.

Using these professional organizing patio design ideas will ensure you and your guests are comfy and entertained all evening long. Whether you are enjoying a game of corn hole or gathering for an outdoor movie night, your well organized and designed patio will be a welcoming space to spend your time.

organize and design patio, pro organizer tips, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

Not sure you want to tackle the job of organizing your patio or any space in your home? Check out our Home Organizing Services. We would love to to help you organize and design your home! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Tips for a Smooth Move

Who gets excited to pack up their home for a move? Yeah, we didn’t think so. We can all agree moving is not the most fun thing to do. It’s a big job that requires a lot of time and work. There are ways to reduce the stress of planning and executing your move. We are sharing our tips to help make your move as smooth as possible!

Prep for Your Move

Before you start gathering the moving boxes and packing up, it will be very helpful for you to develop a plan. This will not only help with the packing process, but will prove invaluable when you and all your things reach your new destination and the unpacking begins.

professional organizer tips for packing for a move, professional home organization, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina
  • Create a moving folder to house all the documents related to your move in one, easy to access place. Remember, it’s about to get a little wild in your house.
  • Create a moving checklist with a timeline with all the important dates and tasks related to your move. This will help you stay on task and not forget anything important, like changing your address or activating your utilities.

5 Tips to Declutter for Your Move

As you have likely figured out decluttering is a HUGE first step in all things pro-organizing. When it comes to moving, it may be one of the most important steps. Decluttering before your move will help you start fresh in your new space with only the things you actually need and want. This can be particularly important if you are downsizing. You will want to start this piece of the process early to give yourself enough time to do it properly without feeling rushed.

  • Use a room by room approach
  • Sort items into the keep, donate/sell & trash categories
  • Consider the one year rule – if you haven’t used or worn something in a year, let it go
  • Consider the size of your new home when deciding what to keep
  • Digitize your paperwork & photos – you will have less clutter and a digital backup should anything get lost

Tips for Organized Packing & Unpacking

Finally, we are ready to start packing! Our rooms are completely decluttered and we are only packing our items we truly use and need. To help you stay organized during this process, we have outlined a step by step approach. We will use the same room by room approach that worked so well when we were decluttering.

  1. For each room, clearly label each box with it’s contents and the room it belongs in.
  2. You can use a color coded system as well. Give each room in your new home a color and use labels & tape with the corresponding color to mark each box. Direct movers to the carefully labeled boxes to ensure everything ends up in the correct room upon arrival.
  3. Pack your most infrequently used items first & keep your everyday items separate to be packed last and placed in your personal vehicle for quick retrieval on day 1.
  4. Don’t forget to plan for a smooth move for your pets too! Be sure to have their food & treats as well as a collar with your contact information. Place them out of the way of the movers so you won’t have any escape artists.
  5. Take inventory of your items and snap a photo of any valuables just in case anything gets lost or broken.
  6. Use removable labels for handling instructions for electronics & furniture if you are using a moving service.
professional organizer tips for packing for a move, professional home organization, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

The more decluttered and organized your are as you prep and pack up your current home, the less stressful the unpacking process will be.

Moving is a big job! If you don’t want to do it alone, we can help! Check out our Packing & Unpacking services.