Declutter & Organize for Back to School Success

Summer break is quickly coming to a close, and it’s time to begin prepping for the new school year. This can be both an exciting and overwhelming time for you and your kids. It can be hard to say goodbye to the laid back days of summer. The time off likely led to overall disorganization in your kid’s room, play areas, and maybe even throughout the home. Clutter is a normal side effect of summer break. As you begin to prepare for a new school year, helping your kids create a clutter-free, organized environment, especially in their personal spaces can set the stage for academic success and personal growth. We are sharing our top tips to reset your nest and get the kids’ room organized for the school year ahead.

4 Steps to Declutter & Organize Kids’ Rooms

Step 1: Work With Your Child

Involving your kids in the process of decluttering and organizing their things is essential to teaching them important life skills. It helps them have a sense of control and requires them to use decision making skills when choosing what to keep, donate and trash. They will also likely gain more responsibility in caring for their belongings and space if included in the process.

You can add a little excitement to make this more fun and interesting for your child. Use a timer to see how much they can get done in a certain amount of time. Most kids’ love a good challenge and will work hard to win!

Step 2: Sort & Categorize

Decluttering the room is the best first step to organization. Have your keep, donate and trash boxes ready to be filled. When sorting their clothes and shoes, place anything that doesn’t fit or no longer suits their style in the donate or trash box. Once this process is done, you will have a better idea of what is needed when back to school shopping.

When sorting the books and toys, encourage your child to let go of anything that they don’t enjoy playing with or have outgrown. Have them help decide where to take their donations. There are many schools and organizations that can get great benefit from gently used toys and books.

declutter and organize for back to school success, professional organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

Step 3: Organized Storage Solutions

Now that you have decluttered and only have the keep items remaining, it’s time to organize. Creating and using storage systems will not only help to get organized, but will be imperative to helping your kid stay organized. Labeled baskets and bins are great for small toys and art supplies. Use shelves for books and decorative items.

In the closet, group similar clothing items together – pants, shirts, etc. Have hanging clothes within reach for your child. Use those labeled baskets and bins for accessories or folded clothing. Don’t forget to use vertical storage, and even the inside of closet doors if needed, to maximize the space. Not only will this help keep the closet looking great, but will help your kid get ready each morning with little hassle and stress.

Step 4: Maintenance Schedule

The key to really making all this hard work pay off for you and your kids is to create a routine to regularly maintain the organization. Pick a time in the evening to have a quick 10 minute cleanup. Keep the time consistent, for example after homework is finished or before dinner. Setting clear expectations can really help your child. Have them place all items in their clearly designated homes they helped create. This will keep the room clean and clutter free, while allowing for an organized fresh start to their day each morning.

declutter and organize for back to school success, professional organizer, Organized Jill Winston Salem NC

Pro-organizer Tip

Have a designated “drop zone” for all daily items needed for school like their book bag, jacket, and shoes. Make returning these items to their proper place part of the evening clean up routine. No one wants to start their day off searching for a missing shoe when it’s time to leave, right?

If you need a hand decluttering and organizing your home, we’re here to help! 
Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas?
Contact Organized Jill for a complimentary consultation.

Back To School Organization

It sometimes can seem that as soon as that last bell rings in June, it’s already time for back to school organization. Before you know it, you will be bombarded with all the new supply lists from teachers, and faced with the tasks of preparing your children’s rooms for the back to school shuffle. Summer just seems to go by more quickly each year. The back to school shuffle can throw anyone’s schedule and sense of normality into a tizzy. While creating morning routines and schedules – and easing into them a week or so before school – are great ways to prepare, they tend to be highly personalized to each family and household needs. But fear not! Here are some ideas and tips that can help make your back to school organization before the new school year a bit more seamless.

10 Organizing Tips for Back to School

1. Curate Your Entryway

Establishing a spot in your entryway for everything your kids need to get out the door is a great way to get organized. Not only does it keep everything in one spot to grab as you head out, it helps keep down clutter at the end of the day. Ideally you will want to create a spot to hang backpacks, coats, and lunchboxes. If space allows, using a bench and having a spot for shoes can really help cut down on clutter and the time (and effort) it takes to get the kids out the door each morning.

2. Create a Shared School Calendar

We are 100% in the digital age and many of us rely on our technology to schedule our weeks. Once your schools have published their academic calendar, look over it and put any notable dates in your phone’s calendar app. It often helps to create a new calendar and color-code it so you can see exactly what you need at a quick glance. Don’t forget to share the calendar with anyone else that helps you or your kids during the school year.

Pro Tip: Schedule notifications for the Sunday before the dates of picture days, early dismissals, and no-school days to keep you prepared.

3. Inventory Clothing

Without a doubt, your kid(s) have outgrown some of their clothing this summer. They’ve likely stained and worn out a few items as well. Before you go out and buy new items for the school year, sort through their closets and drawers to pull out what’s no longer useful. This will help make space for new items and allow you to take inventory of items that are needed.

4. Use Pantry Organizers in the Fridge 

Plastic organizers are a massive help in the pantry, but you can also put them to great use inside your fridge. It’s a great way to organize the various items you’ll put with daily lunches – cheese sticks, yogurts, etc.. This is also an easy way to separate these items to create a “don’t touch” area to help minimize those times when you try to pack a lunch and have magically run out of something. 

5. After School Routine Clock

The time after school can be a vacuum where plans seem to vanish and order turns to a chaotic free-for-all. Look over your after-school activities and evaluate how your family best operates in the afternoons. You’ll need to use a mechanical clock that you can take apart and replace the face. Once you have your clock apart, create a color coded face with each color representing a segmented time for a specific activity. If homework is something that is routinely assigned, make a segment of time just for that. If there’s no homework, keep the routine by making it a reading time. Other segments to consider are free time, dinner prep, prepping for the following day, and bedtime.

6. Homework Stations

If your home does not have the space to create a permanent desk for your kid(s) to do their homework at, then consider making a modular solution that can be setup anywhere – but creating a go-to spot would also be preferred to create a consistent environment. Most of the time you’ll just need the basics like a flat surface for writing and a container for utensils. Gather the supplies your child will commonly need, then organize those things in something like a desk organizer. Keeping everything organized in containers will help your family setup and remove the work station with ease.

7. Meal Prep to Save Time

Use the weekend to your advantage and meal prep on Sundays. Having everything (or mostly everything) ready will help make the evenings a breeze. Additionally, having most of the meals prepped can make asking for help and adding dinner prep to a chore chart a lot less daunting for your family. You can apply this for school lunches as well.

8. Create a Supply Stash

What should you do with all the extra supplies that don’t need to go to school? Don’t put them in your kids’ craft area. You’ll likely need these supplies at some point in the school year and having them on-hand will save unplanned trips to the store for the random glue stick. Use an organization system that separates the supplies by type or by child and store them in a place that is out of the way.

9. Get Ready for First Day Photos

We all love first day photos. They’re a great way to commemorate a new stage of your child’s journey. Now is the perfect time to start scouring Pinterest for inspiration and start preparing any signs, props, hair styles, or anything else you would like to feature. 

10. Organize Lunch Boxes

Have you ever made your child’s lunch only to realize the lid for a very specific container has gone missing? I think we’ve all been there to some extent. Create an organization system that is specifically designed for lunch boxes and containers. Yes, it’s taking away some of your pantry or cabinet space, but having everything separated (that is, not with all the other reusable containers) will make those “off” mornings a lot easier.

professional home organizing professional organizing tips, organizing back to school, organized jill professional home organizer winston salem north carolina

If you need help getting your home (and family) ready for the school year, we’re here to help! If you need help with your decluttering journey, we’re here to help! Are you local to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas? Contact Organized Jill to schedule your complimentary consultation.